Tag Archives: sewing tip

Treasure your tools

When I left my country 7 yrs ago I was given some nice farewell gifts.

This”Amakusa natural waterstone/sharpning stone” is from a guy who is running a sewing machine shop in my hometown.(Amakusa is his hometown)

He used to run a sewing factory so he knows so much about sewing and of course sewing machines as well. Highly recommended if you would start up a sewing studio in Japan.

This pair of scissors is from my big boss.

He always said that well looked after tools are the symbol of a craftman so you should shine up your stuff all the time.

Well..I’m still not good at caring my stuff though..oh I’m trying…

But whenever I have time I try to remember his words and take care of my buddies.

I love stuff that has history (His+Story) 🙂

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