Stitching heavy material

Walking foot machine. JUKi – DU1181N

This juki DU1181N is an ideal machine for stitching heavy materials such as denim and leather.

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What is walking foot machine?


The walking foot sewing machine has a special mechanism for stitching fabrics/materials, unlike a normal sewing machine which only feeds with the bottom teeth, it feeds the material with both bottom teeth and walking foot. When the material is being stitched, the bottom teeth and foot will grab and release the fabric from both sides even when the needle is out of the fabric.

This method eliminates uneven fabric stitching and reduces puckering because all layers of the fabrics are fed consistently through the machine in one fluid motion.

This machine is absolutely a game changer if you make heavy garments such as denim pants or leather jacket. Also this model is relatively inexpensive so it’s perfect as your first walking foot sewing machine!

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Power of Making
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